Why we offer programs

A question I am asked often by people interested in working with me is why sign up for a program when all I want is to get fit?

The difference between hiring a personal trainer and taking part in a program like we offer is most keenly felt once the training has finished. The majority of people that finish a series of personal training sessions are left with some memories of the classes themselves and some exercises they liked and some others they didn’t.

Why it is important to them to be healthy, fit and lean is rarely addressed and so without the trainer directing them people find it difficult to keep motivated and end up returning to their previous

Our programs puts guests at the center of it. It addresses their values, their personality, their goals, their motivations, their past performances, their achievements and life lessons learnt.

Also addressed is the subject of health development and longevity and how this differs from exercise and physical development. Mobility, posture and relaxation are the foundation of this practice and
serve us well in an increasingly sedentary and anxiety inducing world.

Guests leave our holistic high performance program with a library of techniques, with documents of resources, with dozens of rules of thumb and a few key actions to take, ensuring that when the program finishes they are moving forward and aiming upwards.

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